Movie Remakes


Usually, I think that remakes of classic movies are a weak and desperate attempt to generate profit from what was once a box office hit. Film studios seem to be trying to recreate the success of original movies by putting a new twist on an old tale. I am normally opposed to remakes but sometimes the advances in technology actually help make the movie more realistic than the original. Superhero movies that keep on being recreated like Superman or Batman have, in my opinion, certainly held their own due to the improved graphics and special effects. Some movies, though, should never be redone because anything else would fall in the shadow of the classic like the Wizard of Oz or Titanic. I think that movie studios should stop trying to remake movies because  if they continue to remake old movies then there will not be any more movies to recreate in the future. Movie studios should be working on new screenplays to soon be cult classics instead of slapping their name on a poorly recreated farce of an old movie.

One movie I would like to see remade would be Avatar the Last Airbender. The live action movie based on the successful animated television series was anticipated by eager fans. Unfortunately, the movie adaptation fell way short of expectations, making it one of the worst movies of all time. The plot did not follow the original, the casting was off, important characters were omitted, and the special effects looked fake and cheesy. Just thinking about the movie makes any Avatar fan furious. Therefore, any remake of this movie would be far better than M. Night Shyamalan’s version.

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