Bucket List

Life is short, and I want to live life to the fullest. Therefore, I have created a bucket list of things I must do before I die. If not, I will look back on my life and realize that I have not accomplished anything. As depressing  a notion as that may be, I use it as motivation to do something meaningful in my life. In no particular order, I begin my bucket list.

1. Travel the world

2. Become fluent in another language

3. Build my dream house

4. Be Princess Jasmine at Disneyworld

5. Own a Galapagos tortoise

6. Learn to sew

7. Swim with dolphins

8. Dance in a burlesque show

9. Have an extravagant wedding

10. Be successful

This list is not exhaustive in the slightest. It is just the beginning. I know that some of the things on my list are vague but I do not want to limit myself by being too specific. I do not know what is to come in the future. I do know that many of the things I want to do involve going other places and experiencing something new. I love traveling, and when I begin my adventure, I know that I will find more things I will add to my bucket list. I want to die knowing that I did all that I could and that I took advantage of all the opportunities presented to me. I want to live a long, fun life, and following this bucket list will help me do just that. In all actuality, it may take most, if not all, of my life to complete, but once I do, I can know that my life was not wasted.



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