Final Thoughts

Dear Introduction to Public Relations,

As the semester comes to a close, I reflect on my past adventures in public relations. We have had some good times, but you must admit, we have also had our share of differences. I quite enjoyed your company, for you always had something new to teach me. You never tried to deceive me; you were honest and transparent. The guest speakers were inspiring and gave a glimpse of what the future has in store. You were a wealth of knowledge and I am honored to have learned from such a great teacher. As interesting and intriguing as you were, you had a few minor character flaws that I would suggest you work on for the next students that come your way. Perhaps press releases should have been stressed a bit more and earlier in the semester. I understand that you are an introduction course, but I feel as though press releases are an important topic that you grazed over. To improve, I recommend that you hold a mock press conference as an interactive way for students to be more accustomed to public speaking and thinking on their feet. Other than that, I think you are doing a splendid job.

Unfortunately, I must move on. It’s not you, it’s me. I must continue my education to greater heights, and I am sorry to say this but I feel I have learned all that I can from you. Don’t get me wrong; you have been great and you have so much to offer. I will look back on our memories fondly. I will never forget you and everything you’ve taught me.

To you, dear Introduction to Public Relations, with a heavy heart, I bid you farewell.

7 thoughts on “Final Thoughts

  1. haha i love how you wrote this letter, i agree we did kind of graze over press release but it was still a fun class. p.s. i love your toy story gif

  2. First off you crack me up! Second I like what you said about doing a mock press conference. Thats and interesting thought maybe they do stuff like that in later classes. I also wrote on mine that I would like to do more press releases. They are not my favorite but I know I will have to get better at them. Love the toy story reference!

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