Time Management

Are you stressing over all the end-of-semester work? Is everything getting to be too much? Is Netflix consuming all your free time? If you answered yes to any of those questions, then you may be suffering from poor time management skills.

Let me share some clichés with you. Time is of the essence. This needed to be done yesterday. Time is money.

If those phrases hold true to you, then you should consider changing your habits and being more productive with your time. With my help and the proper tools, YOU can accomplish anything.

  1. Use a Calendar
    • A planner, agenda, or anything that lets you see the bigger picture can work too. Write out assignment due dates, tests and quizzes, work schedule, events, study time, etc. You can even add time to just relax. By laying everything out in front of you, you can see when your busy weeks are and manage your time accordingly.
  2. Make Lists
    • Now that you have a calendar of what you have going on, make a daily and weekly list of things to do. Start with the most important and time-conscious thing and continue from there. Sometimes when you think about all the stuff you need to finish, it can be very overwhelming. Making lists de-clutters your mind and helps you focus on the one thing to get done. Cross it off your list when you’ve completed the task and go on to the next one. It may sound simple and obvious, but trust me, it helps.
  3. Stick to your Schedule
    • As fun as it is to not do work, it is a necessary evil. Don’t blow off your precious time because you don’t feel like doing anything. If you do, work will pile up and add unnecessary stress to your already hectic life. DON’T PROCRASTINATE. You will feel so much better if you just get your work done.
  4. Reward Yourself
    • After you’ve completed everything, you deserve a reward. It can be anything like a nap, a meal, or a party. Let yourself have fun and enjoy your down time because soon enough, you will have more to do.

These tips can be used by students, working professionals, or anyone. If you follow these few, simple steps, I can guarantee you won’t be late for a very important date ever again.

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