Switching Places

You know what? I don’t think I’ve ever really given this topic much thought. I assume most people would say that they would want to trade places with a celebrity, a family member, or their idol. Personally, I would not want to switch places with anyone because I am very content being who I am now, but for the sake of this prompt, it forces me to dig deep inside myself and ponder this question.

I guess the person I would want to switch places with depends on how I am feeling at that moment. When I am feeling stressed and overwhelmed with school, work, and the difficulties that come with being an adult (like these last few weeks of the semester), I would want to trade places with not a person, but my dog. He has it so easy. All he does is sleep his days away without a care in the world while I must endure a different obstacle every day. He does not have to worry about the future. He lives in the present, a way of life more people should adopt. He enjoys the simple pleasures of life like basking in the sun and meeting a new person. It would also be interesting to see the world in the eyes of a dog. Are they really colorblind? Can dogs understand humans?  Are they smarter than we think? These are just some questions that I would want to discover as a dog.

I’m not sure if anyone would want to switch places with me. I do not live too interesting of a life right now. All I do is go to school, work, and watch Netflix. If someone did want to live my life, they would be quite disappointed with its uneventfulness.

My dog Cosmo

3 thoughts on “Switching Places

  1. Haha! Cute post! I’d never even considered the fact that it would be much simpler to just switch with someone who is loved and obviously has it made like our furry companions! I’m with you I wanna be my dog cash ha! No worries, just day dreams!

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