Dream Job

Anyone who knows me knows that my dream job has always been to be Princess Jasmine at Disney World. Princess Jasmine has always been my favorite Disney princess. She is beautiful, adventurous, independent, clever, poised, and feisty. She was the kind of person I wanted to emulate. Of course, I cannot make a career out of this since you can only be so old until they force you out of retirement, and Disney cast members make about $12 an hour. Nevertheless, I want to do this at some point in my life so that I can live out my not-so-unreachable dream.

Disney princesses must be between a certain height. Because I am short, I do not meet the height requirement. I plan to shine among the thousands of people wanting the same dream job with my personality and performance ability (I was a competitive dancer for eight years and I have taken many drama classes so I understand what is expected of me when I am performing). Hopefully, the casting directors would be so impressed by my potential that they would overlook the minor height difference. All I can do now to achieve my dream job is to audition and hope that I am what the casting directors are looking for. There is really nothing else I can do. I just have to cross my fingers and hope for the best.

Career-wise, I guess my dream job is to be an important figure at a big company or PR firm. Like I have said in a previous blog, I do not know what I am going to do with this degree. I will see where it takes me.

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