Spring Break

Spring break is finally here! After stressing over tests and projects, we are rewarded with a well-deserved week of nothing and relaxation. I hear so many people talk about how excited they are to go on their vacation to Hilton Head, Panama City Beach, Cancun, on a cruise, etc. Sadly for me, I do not get to enjoy the luxury of laying out in the sun, playing on the beach, or waking up at noon. Instead, I am spending my well-deserved week of relaxation at home in Augusta working. I guess it’s not a bad thing. At least I will be making money. But for what? It’s not like I am going anywhere interesting to blow off all my cash. And speaking of money, how do all of these supposedly poor college students get the funds to even go on a fancy vacation? Shouldn’t they be working too? I don’t know about you, but my parents don’t just throw wads of money at me to travel and goof off with my friends. Also, I do not understand why so many college kids go to big spring break destinations like Panama City Beach. Personally, all I think of is crowded hotel rooms, loud music, screaming, dirty foam, red solo cups, and people falling off balconies. I don’t really have anything against people who enjoy their time there, but I would rather go to a more private beach with a few of my close friends.

I apologize for my rant.


On a lighter note, if money were not an object, I would definitely go the happiest place on earth, Disney World! I absolutely love Disney. I would go on rides, taste cuisines from different countries at Epcot, go character hunting, watch shows, and bask in the magic that is Disney.

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