Time Travel

I often ponder the idea of time travel and how I would take advantage of it if it were possible. I feel like most people would want to go to a specific era in time, may it be the Renaissance, the 80’s, or perhaps even the future. For me, I would want to go back to certain moments in my life that I would want to relive or simply just reminisce. As time goes on, our memories get a little foggy no matter how significant the occasion. I would like to keep my memories fresh by going back in time to see how everything pans out from a third person perspective. Sometimes we are too close to the situation to understand what is happening around us at the time. If I were to visit moments from my past, I could probably acquire a new understanding or point of view of the situation. I would want to go back and watch silly moments from my childhood or relive my big 18th birthday party or see how my current boyfriend watched me from afar and finally got the nerve to talk to me.

My friends dancing for me at my 18th birthday party. I’m in the purple dress wishing I could dance with them.

I would not want to interfere with the past because the consequences could be detrimental to my current existence. No one knows how things will turn out if even the slightest thing was changed. It could cause a terrible snowball effect that could completely alter the course of not just my life but many others as well. Even if my small change had good intentions, it is far too risky to gamble on fate. Sometimes I imagine what it would be like if older me gave advice to younger me. I have absolutely no idea how that would turn out, but at least I don’t have the temptation of knowing I could do that since time travel isn’t possible…yet.

One thought on “Time Travel

  1. I really liked your post! Especially the part about being able to take advice you were given when we were younger. I can most definitely think of more than a few occasions where I went against my parent’s or friend’s advice. The temptation would be hard to resist to see what differences it would’ve made now!

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